How do you decide the overall winner?
The overall winner is the person with the most points.
How do you earn points?
Points will be awarded to the top ten finishers in each race. First place will be awarded 10 points, second place will be awarded 9 points, and so on.
Racers can only receive points for one race per day. If you double up, you will receive points for your best finishing place (if applicable).
Points available will be reduced if there are fewer than 10 starters in a race. For example, if there are six starts in a race, the maximum number of points one individual could earn would be six.
What if there’s a tie for points?
The winner will be determined based on the most recent highest place.
When will the champion be crowned?
The Boone County Cup podium ceremony will be at the completion of Cosmo Cross.
Is there a prize?
Each winner will receive a Kuat NV Base 2.0 and $500 cash.
Will women and men be scored separately?
Yes. There will be one women’s champion and one men’s champion
Can I double up on race day to earn more points?
No! You’re welcome to race more than once, but you will only earn points for your best-place finish of the day.
Will there be an opportunity for bonus points?
Keep your eyes and ears open on race day!